How to Get a TAX Number in Turkey Online
Applying to Getting a TAX number in Turkey (Turkiye)
Online TAX ID or number application guide in Turkey
TAX ID & Number Application for Foreigners in Turkey
In this topic, We are covering a full information guide on getting a TAX ID in Turkey.
Getting a TAX ID in Turkey is a very easy process you can visit the nearest Vergi Dairesi and it takes around 15-20 minutes to get a TAX number.
You can use a TAX number to pay your residency application fees or to purchase a property in Turkey.
You can also get a TAX number online very easily.
First of all, you need an address in Turkey after that open your Mobile phone, Tablet or PC
To open Vergi Daire or TAX Office website Click Here
Click on the Yabancılar İçin Potansiyel Vergi Kimlik Numarası
As is shown in the photo,
Enter your passport information before entering your name and the last name change your keyboard to Turkish if you enter your information for example name or last name on the English keyboard the website will give you an error!
Typing the passport information with a Turkish Keyboard is very important!
For getting your full address you can visit Adres Kayıt Sistemi
After filling all fields click on the Tamam(OK) bottom
If you are having difficulties and it seems impossible for obtaining online you can also visit the nearest TAX Offices in the city you live using Google Maps by typing Vergi Dairesi which means TAX Office and you can find the nearest office from the Google Maps.
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