Turkey Residence Permit Tracking Status and Delivery
How to get information about your TRC( Residence Permit Card) delivery in Turkey?
What happens after your Turkey residence permit is approved?
Turkey Residence Permit Tracking Status and Delivery
In this topic, We included the below details,
First, how to check your residency’s approval status.
Second, how the card is delivered to you and how to check to see where it is in the postal system. Finally,
What you need to do if you miss the delivery.
Checking Your Residence Permit’s Approval Status
If the Göç İdaresi Genel Müdürlüğü (Directorate General of Migration Management, or DGMM) is still processing your application, you can check your application’s status in the online residence permit application system, like this:
Go to https://e-ikamet.goc.gov.tr/
Click “I would like to see my application result.”
Enter your application number, your cell (mobile) phone number or your e-mail address, and your foreigner ID number or your passport number.
Enter the characters which appear in the “Captcha” image and click “Login.”
Online Application System Messages
In Progress: They’re still evaluating your residence permit application.
Kayıt durumunuz: Başvurunuz olumlu sonuçlandı, oturma izniniz baskı aşamasındadır.
Your Application Status: Your application has been concluded positively, your resident permit is at the printing stage.
English Website
Turkish Website
Kayıt durumunuz: It has been concluded. It is required to apply to the Provincial Directorate of Migration Management: This is probably a rejection, but it may not be. It could mean they need clarification or there’s a problem with one of the documents in your package. You’ll have to go to the DGMM office and find out what happened.
Not found: If you see this, double check your info and try again. If you get the message again, go to the DGMM to find out what happened.
SMS or E-mail Messages
There are messages the DGMM sends out by SMS after they’ve reached a decision about your residence permit:
2020-**-******* nolu ikamet izni talebiniz olumlu degerlendirilmistir. Your residence permit request 2019-**-******* numbered has been evaluated positively. B001
What it means: Your residence permit package has been approved. Now your card will be printed and sent to the PTT for delivery to your address. It will take up to 30 days or so for your residence permit to be printed and sent to the PTT for delivery.
Kayıt durumunuz: It has been concluded. It is required to apply to the Provincial Directorate of Migration Management.
What it means: This can mean:
Your application has been rejected. If that’s the case, you’ll need to leave Turkey within ten days unless you have remaining time on your visa or current residence permit, or
Some problem was found during a second look at your package, and you must clarify something or provide more documentation.
In either case, you must go to the local DGMM as soon as possible to learn what the problem is. You can walk in without an appointment.
Card Printing
If it’s approved, the Ankara DGMM will print your new residence permit card. This can take up to 30 days.
Delivery to PTT
After the DGMM prints your card, they’ll send it to the PTT. When the PTT receives it, the PTT will send you an SMS message saying they’ve received your residence permit card and that it’s in the process of being delivered.
Their message will include a barcode number that you can use to track the delivery of your residence permit card from the PTT in Ankara to your home.
Note: The DGMM and the PTT only send these messages to Turkish mobile phone numbers.
You may call 157 to get your PTT barcode number in case your application is approved but you did not receive any message regarding the PTT delivery barcode number.
SMS Messages from PTT
Message 1
Adınıza, 222000222111 barkod nolu gönderi kabul edilmiştir. www.ptt.gov.tr adresinden gönderinin durumunu takip edebilirsiniz. B001
What it means: The Ankara PTT has received your residence permit card. The message will also have a barcode, and a link you can click on to go to PTT’s package tracking web page. It will be at the PTT in Ankara first. Then it will be given to:
One of PTT’s provincial distribution offices.
Your local PTT office.
A courier. That’s when you need to be at home waiting for the doorbell to ring.
You can use the barcode to check on where it is at any time by going to this web page:
Message 2
İkamet belgeniz 111222333 barkotla adresinize gönderildi. Your residence document has been posted to your address with the barcode number 222000222111. B001
What it means: Your residence permit has been sent from the Ankara PTT to your address.
Attempted Delivery Message
222000222111 numaralı gönderiniz adresinizde bulunmamanız nedeniyle CARŞI-ANT PTT Şübesine bırakılmıştır. Bizzat muracaatınız halında teslimi sağlanacaktır. B001
What it means: A mail courier attempted delivery, but you weren’t home. Your residence permit is at your local post office. In the above case, at “CARŞI-ANT PTT,” which is the central PTT office in Antalya. You must go to the post office and get it. If you’re unsure about which PTT you must go to, go to any PTT, and show them the message. They’ll tell you where to go.
Successful Delivery
222000222111 barkod nolu gönderiniz YOUR NAME’e teslim edilmiştir. B001
What it means: Your residence permit has been delivered. You should have your residence permit card when you see this one.
What’s the “B001” at the End of the SMS Messages?
All SMS messages have a four-digit number like “B001” at the end. It isn’t part of the message itself.
Total Delivery Time
Delivery times can vary widely, depending on how busy the various offices of the DGMM are. Some foreigners report receiving their residence permit cards in just a few days, while others report delivery has taken up to 40 days.
What to Do When Your Residence Permit Card Arrives
When you receive your residence permit card, make sure all the information on it is correct. Take a photo of, or scan, both the front and back of the card. Keep this photo on your mobile phone and computer. Always keep your residence permit card with you when you go out.
If There’s a Mistake on Your Residence Permit Card
If you find a mistake on your card, take it to the local DGMM office. You won’t need an appointment. Also, take with you any documents which show the information on the card is incorrect. The DGMM will print another card for you, with the correct information, and send it to you free of charge.
Receipt by Another person
The mail carrier should only give the residence permit package to another person if the other person has the power of attorney to receive it. You can get a power of attorney for this at any noter (notary).
Learn how to give power of attorney to another person.
That said, there have been reports by Turkey Central members that mail carriers have left residence permit card packages with apartment security guards or superintendents. So if you check the barcode and the PTT website says your residence permit has been delivered, but no mail carrier has come to your door, check with such people, or neighbors in your building, to see if the mail carrier left the package with them.
Failed Delivery
If you’re not at home, you’ll receive an SMS message from the PTT saying they were unable to deliver your package. If that happens, the local PTT office will keep it for seven days. To learn which office has your card, query the barcode number again (see “Tracking the Delivery of Your Residence Permit Card” above). If the office you need to go to is unclear, print the page and take it to any PTT office, and they’ll tell you where to go.
After seven days, the PTT will send your residence permit card to the local office of the DGMM. You can either go to the DGMM and get it (no appointment required) or have someone with power of attorney get it for you.
This article is brought from Turkey Central with some updated details!
Comment (1)
Thanks for helpful details